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AI Mediation Tool Could Help Reduce Cultural Conflicts

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Researchers believe artificial intelligence could help reduce heated cultural debates by acting as a mediator. The AI tool aims to create group statements that reflect both majority and minority opinions, helping people find common ground.

Professor Chris Summerfield from the University of Oxford, who was with Google DeepMind during the study, says the AI tool could have multiple uses. He hopes it can give UK leaders a clearer understanding of public opinions, which traditional surveys and citizens’ assemblies often fail to capture accurately.

The AI system, called the “Habermas Machine,” is named after a German philosopher. It works by collecting written opinions from individuals and creating group statements that are acceptable to everyone. Group members then rate these statements, helping the AI learn and choose the best one. Participants can provide feedback, allowing the AI to generate improved statements, which are then ranked again.

In experiments with over 5,000 UK participants, topics ranged from animal research to religious education. In one test, groups preferred AI-generated statements 56% of the time over those created by human mediators. The AI statements were also seen as clearer and more informative.

Another experiment found that the AI process improved agreement among participants by about eight percentage points, meaning four out of 100 people changed their views on a divided issue. The AI’s ability to acknowledge both majority and minority opinions was key.

In a virtual citizens’ assembly, the AI was used with 200 participants to discuss issues like Brexit and childcare. The AI generally respected majority views while still addressing minority perspectives.

However, the Habermas Machine is not without controversy. Some experts argue that it does not help turn group discussions into actual policies. Dr. Melanie Garson from UCL cautions that some minority groups might be too small to impact the AI-generated statements, despite being affected by the outcome. She also notes the AI does not allow participants to fully explain their feelings, which is important for building empathy.

Overall, experts agree that while AI can aid in finding common ground, understanding the context is crucial. In some cases, mediation is about more than just reaching an agreement; it’s also about learning and changing behaviors.

Source: theguardian