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AI Tool Detects Patient Deterioration Early at RHN Hospital

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To identify health issues earlier on, PatientSource has begun using an AI tool at the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability (RHN) this month.

The independent medical charity RHN started the project in January 2023 and utilized five years’ worth of patient data stored in the PatientSource system.

Researchers at RHN fed ‘MEMORI’, a new software, with digital findings which were then matched against real-life patient outcomes. By examining current as well as previous patients’ records including test results, biomarkers and clinical notes, MEMORI builds upon the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) system. Consequently, this paints a more comprehensive picture of every single patient thereby enabling doctors to identify problems even two days before traditional NEWS can.

MEMORI has been deployed in Draper’s Ward where brain injury victims are treated since June 2024 following successful tests; the initial trial will run until Autumn 2024 and could be adopted across all twelve wards if it proves effective.

PatientSource co-founder Dr Mike Brooks said: “Our aim is to pick up deteriorating patients before their vital signs go abnormal.” There are also plans for talks about rolling out these tools into other NHS hospitals across England.

Instead of implementing all features simultaneously, PatientSource adopts a modular strategy towards its system; step by step addition of functionalities. According to Brooks who cited that this approach has worked well in fourteen different locations including NHS trusts and private organisations; their systems can be integrated with existing softwares hence offering future-proof solutions which can easily be upgraded with such add-ons like AI.

Source: digitalhealth