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AI Tool Finds Cancer Cells by Scanning Special Images

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Scientists have developed a new AI tool called AINU that can tell the difference between cancer cells and normal cells by looking at tiny details inside cells. This tool uses a special method called STORM imaging to capture high-resolution images of cells. AINU then scans these images to spot changes in the cells, even very early signs of infection or disease.

AINU is trained on a small number of images but can still accurately identify different types of cells, including human cells and stem cells. It can also detect when a cell is infected with a virus like herpes, much earlier than current methods allow. This could help doctors diagnose infections and monitor diseases much faster and more accurately.

This new method could also make stem cell research safer and more effective by speeding up the process of identifying high-quality stem cells without needing animal testing. Although there are still challenges to overcome before this technology can be widely used in clinics, researchers are hopeful that it will soon become a valuable tool in improving patient care.

Source: genengnews