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AI Tool Spots Hidden Heart Attack Risks

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Scientists call it a “game changer.” This AI tool can spot heart attack risks up to 10 years in advance by detecting hidden heart inflammation that regular CT scans miss.

The NHS England supports a pilot project in hospitals in Oxford, Milton Keynes, Leicester, Liverpool, and Wolverhampton. A decision about its NHS use is expected soon.

Oxford University’s spinout, Caristo Diagnostics, developed this tool. They are also working on similar tech to prevent strokes and diabetes.

Patients with chest pain get a routine CT scan analyzed by the AI platform CaRi-Heart. The AI finds heart inflammation and plaque, and trained operators check its accuracy.

Heart inflammation increases the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. About 7.6 million people in the UK have heart disease, costing the NHS £7.4 billion yearly. The AI could help by identifying those at risk early.

AI Tool Spots Hidden Heart Attack Risks
The AI model measures cardiac inflammation based on fat around the arteries

The Orfan study found 80% of 40,000 patients had no clear treatment plan. Those with heart inflammation were 20 to 30 times more likely to die from heart problems within 10 years. The AI tech helped 45% of these patients get medication or lifestyle advice to lower their risk.

Source: bbc