You are currently viewing 8 Best AI Tools For Lawyers In 2024

8 Best AI Tools For Lawyers In 2024

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Lawyers always aim to stay competitive by keeping their legal forms up to date. Using new AI technology in legal practice can help improve services for clients. AI tools in law can make work easier by using smart technology to do tasks like research and sorting through lots of information quickly. But handling many AI tools in law can be tricky. So, we’ve made a list of eight great AI tools to help find the right ones. These tools can save a lot of time spent reading lengthy legal documents. Whether you work alone or in a big firm, these tools can make a big difference. We also give advice on how to pick the best AI features for lawyers.”

Lawyers always want to work faster in the busy world of law. AI tools can help change how law work gets done. These tools can help with things like checking papers and researching laws quicker.

Types of Best AI Tools For Lawyers:

1 Our Pick

Legal research platform leveraging AI for enhanced legal document analysis.

chatgpt pic

Conversational AI tool by OpenAI providing natural language understanding and generation.


AI-powered platform automating contract review and legal document analysis.


AI-driven legal research platform assisting in case law and document analysis.

Blue J L&E
Blue J L&E

Utilizes AI for employment law predictions and analysis, aiding legal professionals.


AI-powered contract analysis tool focused on extracting insights and relevant information.

Lex Machina
Lex Machina

Legal analytics platform employing AI for data-driven insights into litigation.

AI lawyer
AI lawyer

Generic term for AI tools in the legal field, often referring to those providing legal assistance or document analysis.


Casetext is a popular tool in the legal research field, and it’s made even better with its new AI assistant. This AI assistant, known as Counsel, helps lawyers conduct research more quickly. Casetext and OpenAI collaborated to create Counsel on top of GPT-4, claiming it can understand and write at a high level. They say Counsel is advanced in legal research.

Key Features

  • Case Preparation Assistance
  • Summarizing Results
  • Creating Legal Memos
  • Verifying Data
  • Integration with Clio


On an annual basis, Casetext’s basic package starts at $110 per month. This grants you access to some AI capabilities for legal research. CoCounsel access will cost you $400 per month, payable annually.


ChatGPT is a smart computer program that helps lawyers with their work. It’s like a helpful digital assistant that makes tasks easier. Lawyers can use ChatGPT to write emails or legal papers faster. It’s good at understanding legal language and can help with research for cases. Also, it can quickly answer common legal questions and give information to help lawyers make decisions. ChatGPT is flexible and can do many things, making it a great tool for lawyers to get work done faster and better.”

Key Features

  • Writing emails, memos, and legal documents faster.
  • Drafting Assistance
  • Understanding Legal Language
  • Answering Legal Queries


  • The basic level is free and allows you to utilize the GPT-3.5 model, an older version of the AI. GPT-3.5 is capable of producing text but has fewer capabilities than the premium version.
  • The premium plan gives you access to the GPT-4 model for just $20 per month. GPT-4 is more capable of handling lengthier text passages. You can also upload PDFs and photos for analysis with the premium plan.


LawGeex is a tool that uses AI to help lawyers check contracts quickly and accurately. It saves time by automatically reviewing contracts and pointing out possible problems. It’s mostly used by legal departments within companies. If you handle lots of contracts, it could be a useful tool for you.

Key Features

  • It utilizes AI to examine contracts swiftly and accurately.
  • It automates the contract review process
  • Time-Saving
  • Issue Identification


Pricing may vary—contact Lawgeex for details is a helpful tool that works like a virtual assistant for lawyers. It manages calls and schedules for law offices, gathering important details from callers, so lawyers can focus on their work better. This tool acts as a receptionist, handling calls for attorneys using a mix of human-like responses and AI features to manage and direct calls efficiently. Both its phone and chat features are essential for managing communication smoothly.

Key Features

  • Handle client inquiries
  • schedules appointments
  • scheduling meetings


  • Virtual receptionists range from $255 for 30 calls per month to over $1000 for 180+ calls.
  • Live chat starts at $140 for 20 chats and climbs to $600 for 120 chats per month.

Blue J L&E

Blue J has created a tool using AI to make legal research and analysis easier for lawyers. It helps predict how legal cases might turn out and understand complicated legal problems by using AI. The tool doesn’t just look for specific words but finds answers based on different factors and results, making research and analysis faster and more accurate. Lawyers can use this tool’s findings to plan, create reports, and do many other legal tasks, making it a helpful tool for them.

Key Features

  • Helps in forecasting legal case outcomes.
  • Enables quick and precise legal research and analysis
  • Allows lawyers to plan, generate reports


Pricing may vary—contact Blue J L&E for details


Latch is a smart tool that helps lawyers work with legal documents using Microsoft Word. It uses advanced technology called GPT-4, which understands language well, to make tasks easier and keep information safe. Latch fits right into Word, letting users edit documents, add AI-generated changes, and create clear instructions for changes in language. It also helps summarize documents, makes legal language easier to understand, and suggests changes to ensure they meet market standards. It keeps client information private by only using playbacks and helps lawyers review documents more effectively.

Key Features

  • Provides clear instructions for document edits
  • Allows AI-based changes within documents
  • Focuses on keeping data secure and private
  • Create unique checklists for each contract.


Customers will need to start with a demo to acquire a price plan from Latch.

Lex Machina

Lex Machina is a smart tool using AI to help lawyers understand cases and find legal solutions. It checks past cases and gives info about judges, lawyers, and case outcomes. It’s quick, helps make legal decisions, and lets users create their applications. It’s like having a legal assistant that works with a subscription and offers tools for success. Legal Vision is another AI tool that helps understand legal matters better by combining machine learning and legal knowledge.

Key Features

  • It also allows access to court documents.
  • Makes sure that lawyers’ details are accurate in records.
  • It gathers and organizes data from legal cases to give clear information.
  • Helps find similar cases and gives specialized advice.
  • Documents from the court system can be accessed straight from the app.


Pricing varies based on the services selected

AI lawyer

AI Lawyer is a brand-new tool made to help people, lawyers, and law students get quick and easy legal help. With the growth of technology and the need for better legal assistance, this tool is like a modern way of getting legal advice without waiting long or paying a lot. It makes legal stuff easier to understand and helps save time and money. AI Lawyer is for everyone—it gives legal information to people and helps lawyers with their work by finding legal information and learning about new legal things. It’s a tool that uses smart technology to give instant help for legal things. For lawyers, it’s useful because it lets them focus on important parts of their work, like helping clients and growing their business, while also doing regular legal tasks quickly, like finding legal information, writing legal papers, and checking documents.

Key Features

  • Simplifies complex legal matters
  • Affordable Pricing
  • Provides instant answers to legal queries
  • Easily upload documents for quick summarization


Pricing starts at $9.99 per week, which is a wonderful option for one-time queries or usage for less than a month, and goes up to $19.99 per month or $99.99 per year, all of which are quite inexpensive options for a full AI tool.

Here are the benefits of using AI in the legal field, explained in simpler terms

  • Saves Time: AI helps lawyers finish tasks faster, like reading documents or finding information, so they have more time for important work.
  • Fewer Mistakes: AI is really good at doing the same thing over and over without making mistakes. It makes sure things stay the same and are correct.
  • Costs Less: AI can do repetitive jobs, so lawyers don’t need to spend as much money on those tasks.
  • Smarter Choices: AI looks at lots of information to help lawyers make better decisions and plans.
  • Better Service: Because AI helps with work speed and accuracy, lawyers can do their jobs better and help clients more.
  • Less Bias: Some AI tools can help make sure decisions are fair for everyone by reducing unfair treatment.
  • Keeps Learning: AI learns from what it does, getting better over time and helping lawyers stay updated on new rules and laws.
  • Simpler Work: AI helps make difficult tasks easier, so lawyers can focus on the more important parts of their jobs.

In simple words, AI makes things faster, more accurate, and cheaper for lawyers, so they can work better and help people with their legal issues.

How To Choose The Right AI Tool 

When choosing AI tools for legal work, there are important things to think about. One big concern is keeping sensitive information safe, so pick tools that are really good at security. You should figure out which jobs at your law firm would be easier with AI, like looking at contracts or doing legal research. Make sure the tools are easy to use, especially for people who aren’t great with technology. If they can work with the systems you already have, that’s a bonus. Try to avoid tools that are too complicated or take a long time to learn. Also, check out their history and customer service, and don’t get tricked by big promises. It’s best to choose AI tools based on how well they keep things secure, fit certain tasks, are easy to use, work with your systems, have a good reputation, and don’t promise too much.

Ethical Considerations and Challenges

When lawyers use AI tools in their work, it brings up some important ethical issues. One big worry is keeping client information private and safe when using these AI systems. Lawyers must make sure that confidential client details stay protected while using these new technologies. Also, relying too much on AI might change how lawyers and clients interact, as machines can influence decisions.  Another issue is that AI might have its own biases, which can make legal decisions unfair. It’s important to make AI systems open and clear so that biases can be found and fixed to make fairer decisions.

AI tools for lawyers are getting even smarter! Imagine having legal robots that understand complex laws, predict how cases might turn out, and even create legal arguments. These AI assistants will be personalized to fit a lawyer’s style and expertise, becoming the ultimate sidekick. They’ll also help predict how judges might rule, giving an edge in court. These tools will save loads of time too! They’ll handle all the boring paperwork, research legal stuff super quickly, and even answer routine client questions. Communication will get easier with AI translation tools breaking down language barriers. Virtual paralegals will help organize stuff and manage calendars, and AI will suggest smart negotiation strategies for better deals. These tools will make lawyers’ lives much easier!


AI is changing how law works, offering new tools for lawyers. These tools, automate repetitive tasks, analyze data, and help review documents. By using AI, legal teams can focus on important work, serve clients better, and stay competitive. AI isn’t a replacement for lawyers but helps them work smarter. AI is promising for the legal field, making work faster and more efficient while keeping ethical and legal standards in mind.


What is the relationship between AI and law?

AI helps lawyers by using smart technology to do legal tasks like reading documents, finding information, and predicting outcomes. It supports legal work, making it faster and more accurate, but it doesn’t replace lawyers. AI and law work together to assist legal professionals in doing their job better.

Which Is The Best Ai For Lawyers?

Not really. It depends on what a lawyer needs. Different AI tools are good at different things, like research, writing, or case management. It’s like choosing the right tool for the job.

Will Ai Replace Patent Lawyers?

Probably not entirely. While AI can analyze patents and write applications, it can’t understand the complex inventions and strategies involved. Think of it as a research assistant, not a replacement.

The legal challenges of AI involve issues like data privacy breaches and accountability for AI-generated decisions, raising concerns about regulations and ethics in AI use. Balancing these concerns with innovation remains a challenge for lawmakers and businesses.