Google is reportedly testing a new animation for its AI-powered search summaries, called AI Overviews. A social media user recently shared a post about this update, revealing that the traditional blue lines seen during summary generation may soon be replaced by a blue and purple roaming spotlight effect. This new animation resembles the style used by Google’s Gemini AI assistant on Android and Gemini Live.
New Animation Previewed
The change was first shared on Reddit by user Gaiden206, who posted a screenshot on December 28. The new animation appears after a search query is entered and before the AI summary is displayed. Unlike the current blue lines, this new effect aims to make the waiting process more visually engaging. A 9to5Google report confirmed that this feature is being tested but is not yet available globally.
Other Updates in the Interface
The screenshot also revealed updates to the wait messages shown during the loading process. Phrases like “Searching” and “Generating” are now joined by new ones, such as “Looking this up,” “Working on it,” and “Putting it all together.”
These changes are part of Google’s efforts to make AI Overviews more user-friendly and engaging. As CEO Sundar Pichai mentioned in a recent strategy meeting, the company is focused on improving its AI tools to address real user needs and enhance the overall experience.
Source: gadgets360