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Methodist Mansfield Hospital Integrates AI for Brain Mapping

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Methodist Mansfield Hospital is using advanced AI technology in its new neuro care unit to improve brain treatment. The hospital introduced RAPID-AI software, designed to quickly detect brain abnormalities through CT scans. This tool helps doctors respond faster, potentially saving brain tissue.

When an abnormality is found, the medical team is alerted, and a neuro-radiologist decides the next steps. Methodist Mansfield President Juan Fresquez highlights how speed is crucial, just like in heart attacks, where every minute counts.

One patient, Kristin Booth, experienced a blockage that the AI software detected. Thanks to quick treatment, she was back to cheering at her son’s basketball game just days later.

While AI is useful, Fresquez and the hospital’s staff stress that it supports, not replaces, human doctors. Experts believe AI can assist in healthcare but won’t take over human roles. Methodist Mansfield remains committed to using diverse data to make sure their AI tools work for everyone.

Source: fortworthreport