Welcome to TechVibe.ai! Before you start using our website, please read and agree to these simple terms.

1. Using TechVibe.ai

By using TechVibe.ai, you promise to follow these rules. If you don’t agree, please don’t use our website.

2. Your Account

If you create an account, keep your login details safe. You’re responsible for what happens on your account.

3. Content

The stuff on TechVibe.ai, like text and images, belongs to us. Please don’t copy or modify it without asking.

4. Links to Other Sites

We might link to other websites, but we can’t control what happens there. Be careful and check their rules.

5. Ending Your Use

If you break these rules, we might have to stop you from using TechVibe.ai. We’ll try to let you know first.

6. Changes to Terms

Sometimes we might change these terms. We’ll tell you about big changes, but it’s your job to check for updates.

7. No Promises

TechVibe.ai is provided as-is. We can’t promise everything is perfect, so use it at your own risk.

8. Our Limits

We’re not responsible for any damages caused by using TechVibe.ai. Be smart and careful when using the website.

9. Following the Law

These terms follow the laws of [Your Jurisdiction]. If there’s a problem, we’ll sort it out according to these laws.

Contact Us

If you have questions about these terms, email us at support@techvibe.ai

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