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UAE’s AI Real Estate Consultant Closes $30M in Weeks

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Jucica Brown, a virtual real estate consultant launched by Dubai-based Realiste, has made a big impact in the UAE’s real estate market. In just three weeks since its debut on Telegram, Jucica Brown has closed $30 million worth of property deals. This AI-powered consultant is also gaining popularity on social media, with 100,000 Instagram followers already.

Realiste’s founder, Alex Galt, believes that AI is transforming how people buy and sell property. Jucica Brown’s success shows the potential of AI to make real estate transactions faster and more efficient. The AI consultant can interact with users on social media, provide detailed market information, and even connect buyers with lawyers to complete transactions.

Unlike human agents, Jucica Brown can work around the clock without interruptions. It’s a multilingual tool designed with various AI models and integrated with a vast real estate database covering over 100 cities worldwide. Galt envisions this technology will redefine the real estate industry, offering data-driven insights that help users make informed decisions.

AI is becoming more common in real estate, both in the UAE and globally. Many agents and brokerages are already using AI tools in their daily work. As AI continues to evolve, it’s expected to play an even bigger role in real estate, helping brokers offer better services and making the market more efficient.

Source: arabianbusiness