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YouTube Allows Removal of AI-Generated Mimic Videos

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YouTube now allows users to ask for the removal of AI-generated videos that copy their face or voice. This new privacy policy comes after concerns about deepfakes, which are fake videos that can mislead people.

With artificial intelligence becoming more common, privacy worries are increasing. For example, Meta (the company behind Instagram) has been in trouble for labeling all images as “AI images,” upsetting many artists. YouTube also faces similar issues. To protect users, YouTube has introduced a policy that lets people request the removal of AI-made or fake content that imitates them. This change builds on YouTube’s earlier efforts to use AI responsibly.

Before, users had to claim that deepfake content was misleading to get it removed. Now, they can ask for its removal as a privacy violation. YouTube’s updated Help documents say the request must come from the person affected unless they are a minor, don’t have access to a computer, are deceased, or in other special cases.

However, YouTube won’t automatically take down the content after a request. The platform will review the complaint and consider different factors. These include whether the content is labeled as AI-made, if it clearly identifies someone, and if it could be seen as parody or satire. YouTube will also look at whether the AI content involves public figures and if it shows them in sensitive situations like illegal acts, violence, or endorsing products or political candidates.

If someone uploads such content, they have 48 hours to respond to the complaint. If they remove the video in this time, the complaint is closed. If not, YouTube will review the case. YouTube warns that if necessary, it will fully remove the video and might also delete the person’s name and personal details from the video’s title, description, and tags.

Users can blur faces in their videos, but they can’t just make the video private, as it can be made public again later. YouTube previously warned that labeling content as AI-made doesn’t protect it from removal if it breaks YouTube’s rules.

Source: indiatoday