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41% of Executives Anticipate AI-Driven Workforce Reduction

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A recent survey of top business executives reveals that 41 percent anticipate a decrease in their workforce within the next five years due to the adoption of AI technologies.

The survey, which involved executives from 2,000 large companies worldwide, highlights a growing interest in using AI for job cuts, despite concerns about the unpredictable nature of generative AI and vendors’ reluctance to take responsibility for AI outcomes in the workplace.

41% of Executives Anticipate AI-Driven Workforce Reduction

The research, conducted by staffing provider and recruitment agency Adecco Group, indicates a strong inclination towards investing in AI, potentially worsening skills shortages and creating a divided workforce.

However, only half of the surveyed leaders plan to reassign employees affected by AI, prompting calls for organizations to prioritize skill development to ensure the continued employability of their workforce.

The survey found that the expectation of a reduced workforce is most pronounced in Germany and France, where 49 percent of respondents anticipate job cuts due to AI, compared to 32 percent in Singapore and 36 percent in the United States.

Despite these concerns, 57 percent of respondents believe that human skills will remain more influential than AI in the workplace. Nonetheless, the remaining 43 percent who disagree raise doubts about the future impact of AI.

The report also highlights the potential of AI to provide upskilling and development opportunities, with 78 percent of respondents acknowledging the critical role of AI in this regard.

While the actual impact of AI on the workforce remains uncertain, the survey reflects the prevailing expectations within a segment of the business community. Some IT professionals may witness these expectations translate into projects, regardless of AI’s capability to replace human labor.

Rosanne Kincaid-Smith, group chief operating officer at Northern Data Group, believes that while AI will reshape the workforce, it will also create opportunities. She emphasizes the need to reevaluate career paths and invest in the next generation of employees to address longstanding skills shortages.

Kincaid-Smith identifies roles such as robotic engineers, data governors, and drug discovery analysts as future jobs dependent on AI. However, questions linger about the longevity of these careers, reminiscent of the enduring employment of Cobol coders despite the language’s age.

Source: Theregister