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Google Urges Immigration Update for AI Talent

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Google wants the United States to change its immigration rules to get more skilled workers in fields like artificial intelligence (AI). In a letter to the Department of Labor, Google says if the rules don’t get updated, the US might miss out on important AI and tech experts.

One rule Google wants to change is called Schedule A. This rule makes it easier for companies to bring in workers from other countries if there aren’t enough Americans for certain jobs. But Google says Schedule A needs to be updated more often to include jobs in AI and cybersecurity.

Karan Bhatia, who works on government affairs at Google, says the US doesn’t make it easy for talented people from other countries to come work here. He says the list of jobs in Schedule A hasn’t been updated for 20 years. This makes it hard for companies like Google to get the people they need.

Google says Schedule A should include jobs in AI and cybersecurity because these fields need more workers. They also say the government should listen to feedback from the public when updating the list.

In recent years, US companies have struggled to find enough AI experts. Even though the US has many talented people, there aren’t enough specialists in AI. Google says strict immigration rules make it tough to hire people for AI jobs.

Other companies are also competing for AI talent. Some companies, like Meta, are hiring AI experts without even interviewing them. Wages for AI specialists have gone up a lot, with some reports saying researchers are getting paid millions of dollars.

President Joe Biden wants to bring more AI talent to the US, but Google says the government needs to change the rules to make it easier for companies to hire these experts.

Source: Theverge