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IIIT-H Researchers Create AI Tool to Detect Malnutrition

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Researchers at the International Institute of Information Technology in Hyderabad (IIIT-H) have developed a new AI-based tool to detect malnutrition in children. This tool, created by the Raj Reddy Centre for Technology and Society at IIIT-H, uses a smartphone app to make the process of measuring children’s growth more accurate and less prone to human errors.

The tool offers two simple methods to measure a child’s height and weight using a smartphone. In the first method, the smartphone is placed over the child’s head to take two photos: one of the weighing scale and one of the area in front of the scale. In the second method, the child stands against a wall with a height chart, and a photo is taken of both the child and the scale. The app then analyzes these images to calculate the child’s height and weight, comparing them to standard growth charts to estimate malnutrition levels.

The app includes visual guides to help users position the smartphone and the child correctly for taking photos. It also alerts parents and caregivers if it detects signs of malnutrition. Currently, the AI for this web app is being developed in both English and Hindi. Researchers are also exploring the possibility of using 3D technology to enhance the accuracy of these measurements as part of a broader effort to reduce health risks in newborns.

Source: thehansindia