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Life2vec AI Death Predictor Raises Alarm Over Rampant Fraud

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Are you curious about when you might pass away? Scientists from the US and Denmark have created an AI tool called Life2vec that can guess when a person might die with some accuracy. But, like with many new things, there’s a problem with fake versions.

The New York Post says the scientists who made Life2vec are cautioning people about fraudsters. These fake tools try to trick people into giving away personal info, like their finances.

Life2vec isn’t available to the public yet, but it’s supposed to help users find out when they might die by asking a few questions. It uses a CHAT-GPT model and looks at things like how much money someone has, their job, where they live, and their health history.

What’s scary is that Life2vec is right about 78% of the time. The real creators of Life2vec want everyone to know they’re not behind any of the fake sites.

Some of these fake sites also promise to tell users if they’ll get rich or not, as well as predicting when they’ll die.

The people who made Life2vec did a lot of research before they made it. Between 2008 and 2020, more than 6 million people in Denmark took part in studies. They were different ages and had different health conditions. The researchers figured out which people would still be alive after January 1, 2016. Then, they used AI tools to guess who would die before 2020, and they were right more than 75% of the time.

Source: economictimes